Monday, August 26, 2019

Term 3 Week 4

What a busy first few weeks back Room 1 and 2 have had! Here is what we have been doing so far this term:

We have had Gerry the caretaker come into class and help us chop down the table legs to make new kneeling floor tables for us. We learnt all about how important it is to measure, rule and the cut the legs to make sure the legs are all the same length and the table isn't wobbly.

We have also been doing some fantastic writing this term and we all have been excited to display this around the classroom. We all wrote some amazing stories about our adventures in the snow on our school snow day.

We had a great time at Cross Country on the 7th August. We all ran so fast and did a fantastic job!

We have also been learning about the seasons and weather. We have made some great art inspired by the weather outside. We have been talking about all the different clothes we wear for the different seasons and how different animals come out at different times of the year.